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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 13 » Quiz Australia
Quiz Australia
1. Which is the largest island in the world?
1. Tasmania; 2. Australia; 3. Africa; 4. Great Britain;
1. Who discovered Australia? 
1. V. Bering; 2. James Cook; 3. K. Prjevalsky; 4. F. Magellan;
2.What are the native citizens of Australia called?
1. Indians; 2. Aborigines; 3. Pygmies; 4. Bedouins;
3. Which of these animals lives only in Australia?
1. Duckbill; 2. Crocodile; 3. Koala bear; 4. Kangaroo;
4. What does a koala eat?
1. Bamboo leaves; 2. Eucalyptus leaves; 3. Everything; 4. Sugar cane;
5. Who were the first settlers in Australia?
1. English prisoners; 2. Chinese merchants; 3. Spanish conquistadors; 4. Citizens of Holland;
6. Which of these cities is the capital of Australia?
1. Peking (Beijing); 1. Ottawa; 3. Canberra; 4. Delhi;
7. Which of these animals doesn’t live in Australia?
1. Monkey; 2. Emu; 3. Giraffe; 4. Spiny anteater;
8. How far can a kangaroo jump?
1. 1.5 meter; 2. 4 meters; 3. 5 meters; 4. 8 meters;
9. What does the national flag of Australia look like?
10. How many per cent of the population do the native people make up?
1. 1 %;                2. 3%;                  3. 5 %;                  4. 10%;
11. What Hemisphere is Australia located in?
1. Southern;  2. Northern;  3. Western;  4. Eastern;
12. Which is the smallest continent on the earth?
1. Tasmania;  2. Australia;  3. Africa;  4. Great Britain;
13. Which the official language in Australia?
1. French;  2. English;  3. German;  4. Russian;
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«  Сентябрь 2010  »
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